Etched Glass




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Here are pictures of glass that I etched. I used my digital camera to take the pictures but the lighting wasn't the best.   I will take them again once I have built a light table to show the granularity and definition of the etchings.

I use a Variable speed Dremel MultiTool with a wand to etch on glass ornaments.   I use a diamond point bit which etches great and leaves a sparkling image. The ornaments come in many different shapes like hearts, ovals, Christmas trees, candy canes, etc.  I have etched carafes, wine glasses and glass plates.   I will put pictures of these here soon!

Candy Cane Poinsettia
Stocking Merry Christmas
Christmas Tree Christmas Tree
Snowflake Butterfly 
Snowflake Doggie paw prints
Design Celtic Symbol
Baby Hands & Feet Go back to Chad Baker's homepage.

©2002 Baker Enterprises